• How To Become A Morning Person
  • How To Become A Morning Person

    This post is as much for me as it is for you. I am most definitely not a morning person, but now that the clocks have gone forward and the days are lighter and longer, I’ve been feeling inspired to try and make the most of my mornings. I want to learn how to become a morning person and I’m hoping these tips will help the both of us.

    No longer will we stay in bed repeatedly hitting the snooze button, waiting until the very last minute then jumping out of bed in a mad rush, wishing we’d just gotten out of bed earlier as we’re running to the train. That’s not an enjoyable way for anyone to start the day.

    When Alive! asked if I wanted to try their Women’s Energy Soft Jells I saw it as the perfect opportunity to work on my terrible morning routine. These are the tips I’m slowly putting into practice to finally nail how to become a morning person.

    This post contains a paid advertorial by Alive! Read my disclaimer for more info.

    How To Become a Morning Person by Simply Cantara - a healthy lifestyle blog

    The night before

    Set a bedtime – Start getting into the habit of going to bed at the same time every night. Choose a time that you can stick to and that ensures you’ll get 7-8 hours sleep. I know this is easier said than done, I for one am up writing this post half an hour past my bedtime but I promise I’m working on listening to my own advice!

    Clear your head – Write down your to-do list for the next day so that you can go to bed without worrying about what you’ll need to do when you wake up. Write down your list and forget about it so that you can go to sleep with a clear head.

    Prepare for the day ahead – Minimise the amount you have to do to get ready in the morning by preparing the night before. Pick out your clothes, pack your bag and prepare your lunch in the fridge so that it’s all ready for you to grab and go in the morning. This might seem like a lot of effort at first, especially when you’re tired but eventually it will become part of your nighttime routine and it will save you so much time in the morning!

    Hydrate – Put a bottle of water besides your bed so that you can drink it when you wake up. It’s important to stay hydrated and drinking as soon as you wake up will give you an instant boost. I always follow this with warm water and lemon.

    Keep your curtains open – Don’t close your curtains before you get into bed. Now that the clocks have changed we’re enjoying lighter and brighter mornings so make the most of it! Let the sunshine naturally wake you – but set your alarm just incase!

    How To Become a Morning Person by Simply Cantara - a healthy lifestyle blog

    In the morning

    Avoid the snooze trap – I am a lifelong snoozer and it is a habit I am desperately trying to break. Snoozing until the very last minute and then jumping out of bed in a panic is no way to start the day. Set your alarm early enough so that you have time to get ready at a comfortable pace, but not so early that you’re able to snooze your alarm. Put your alarm on the other side of the room if you have to so that you’re forced to get out of bed to turn it off.

    Take your vitamins – As I said, I’ve been taking the Alive! Women’s Energy Soft Jells which are a unique dried blend of 26 fruit and vitamins. They are specially balanced just for us women with the full vitamin B complex to support normal energy. Suitable for vegetarians they’re made with orange and berry natural fruit flavours. I’ve honestly found I’m not feeling as tired in the afternoons since taking these soft jells.

    Exercise – Whether you manage to go to the gym for an intense workout or just have time for a 15 minute yoga practice in your PJs, it’s all beneficial. Exercising in the morning fires up your metabolism, gives you a rush of endorphins and gives you a sense of accomplishment for the rest of the day. It’s also great knowing you’ve woken up to do something just for you, something that benefits you, rather than waking up to go to work for someone else, or to go to school because you have to. Take this time, whether it’s 15 minutes or an hour to work your health and fitness.

    Eat breakfast – It is such an important meal and I can’t believe how many people still skip breakfast. Doing so will only make you hungrier throughout the day and prevent your body from utilising your energy stored and burning fat properly. There are plenty of healthy breakfasts that you can make in a rush – try one of these four easy oats recipes for a start.

    These are the tips I’m slowly implementing into my routine to learn how to become a morning person. I say slowly because changing my terrible morning routine isn’t going to happen overnight. But that’s OK! Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to change everything at once, take on one thing at a time until eventually they become more of a habit and less of an effort. I started with just getting my bag, outfit and lunch ready the night before, now it’s become part of my everyday routine. As for the snooze part? Yea, I’m still working on that!

    If you’d like tips on how to boost your overall energy (which can help with becoming a morning person!) then watch this video from Dietician and food blogger Nichola Whitehead.

    I’d love to know if you’re a morning person or not. If you are, then please teach me how to become a morning person! If you’re not, like me, what do you wish you did differently in the mornings or the night before? Let me know in the comments below.

    This post contains a paid advertorial by Alive! Read my disclaimer for more info


    1. April 24, 2016 / 9:41 am

      Firstly, absolutely love your blog! I stumbled upon it only recently but every post I’ve read so far makes me want to read more.

      What comes to being a morning person, I used to be the worst and hated it when I had to get up any earlier than 10am. During my first two years at uni I managed to attend a 9am lecture maybe once every two months, if that. I recently decided to make an effort to become a morning person, though, and I’ve noticed it makes the biggest difference in my day when I manage to get up early. I’m so much more productive and just so much happier with myself, especially if I start the day with working out. I’m still trying to figure out what my ideal time to wake up is and attempting to create a good morning routine. I agree with everything in this post, thanks for sharing all these tips! xx


      • May 3, 2016 / 11:04 pm

        Hi Nina, I’m so glad you love my blog, thank you so much! Hahaha I was the same as you with lectures. Mine didn’t start til 11am and that was still a struggle! It sounds like you’re on the right track to becoming a morning person! It’s so much nicer waking up and doing something for yourself first, rather than just waking up to go straight to Uni or work. Good luck! xx

    2. Lezzle
      May 7, 2016 / 12:21 am

      Hi Cantara, being a morning person is something I should make more of an effort with. Your post has re-ignited my thoughts on the matter! I’m convinced a productive early morning will lead to a clearer and more focused day.

      • May 8, 2016 / 10:16 pm

        Hi Lezzle, I still struggle with becoming a morning person but it’s something I’m continually working on. Whenever I do manage to have a better morning I definitely have clearer and more focused days. Good luck! x

      • July 26, 2016 / 1:50 pm

        Good luck Katy! I still struggle haha. Some weeks I’m making the most of my mornings and others I’m hitting the snooze button. It’s a work in progress! I’ve found that the sunnier mornings have definitely helped though x

    3. Scarlet
      August 19, 2016 / 5:40 pm

      This would be great for those who want to become a person to exercise early. Great tips!

      • August 28, 2016 / 2:17 pm

        Thanks Scarlet, I’m so glad you liked the tips! x

    4. Paola
      June 16, 2017 / 3:21 am

      Great article! The snooze button is definitely a trap that needs to be broken! Thanks for sharing!

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