• 60 Healthy Habits For A Better Life
  • 60 Healthy Habits For A Better Life

    This past month I’ve been focusing on eliminating some of my bad habits and replacing them with healthy habits. I picked just 5 habits I wanted to focus on and I’ve been tracking my progress in my bullet journal. I’ll admit, one I completely failed at, one needs more work and three have been a success. One habit that’s been a success is writing in my bullet journal daily. I’ve been using it to keep on top of all the tasks I have to get done, recording anything significant that happens in my day for me to look back on, and my progress towards my goals. I particularly enjoy writing in my gratitude log each day, which shows me that even the more ‘mundane’ days can be appreciated.

    If there are any bad habits you would like to stamp out, I’ve shared 60 healthy habits today so that you can pick a few that you would like to introduce into your life. I find replacing bad habits with healthy habits easier than just trying to quit the bad habit. Instead of focussing on what you can’t do anymore, you put your effort into what you can do, the healthy habit. There are a fair few habits on this list that I personally want to make a part of my life, but I’ll focus on 1-5 a month so that I can really put my efforts into making them a habit before moving on to the next ones. That’s the best way to make a change in your life, picking just a few things to start with and adding more once those habits are established.

    Healthy Habits for a Better Life

    1. Wake up earlier and do something positive for yourself in the morning
    2. Cook in bulk and freeze your leftovers or eat them for lunch the next day
    3. Don’t compare yourself to others, love what makes you unique
    4. Create a technology-free bedtime routine
    5. Start a Bullet Journal
    6. Workout regularly and consistently, not 5x a week for 2 weeks then nothing for a month
    7. Prioritise eating whole, unprocessed, nutritious foods
    8. Drink a lot of water and stay hydrated
    9. Stand up every hour when sat at a desk all day
    10. Set goals, write them down and track your progress

    11. Practice random acts of kindness for others
    12. Read books often or listen to audiobooks on Audible
    13. Improve your time-keeping to make sure you’re on time to everything
    14. Get outside and spend time in nature often
    15. Learn how to read food labels when doing your food shop
    16. Have fruit and/or veggies in every meal
    17. Practice meditation
    18. Don’t dwell on the past – learn from it and move forward
    19. Learn a new skill using an easy platform with tonnes of courses like Skillshare
    20. Plan your meals for the week ahead

    21. Keep your inbox and notifications at zero to minimise distractions
    22. Declutter your home and belongings, giving everything a home
    23. Set aside time to pamper yourself with a luxurious bath, candles and a face mask
    24. Pack your gym bag the night before to make working out easier
    25. Learn to forgive others
    26. Keep a large water bottle on your desk and refill it throughout the day
    27. Sleep for at least 7 hours each night
    28. Understand portion sizes and know how much you’re eating
    29. Meet up with your friends and family often
    30. Practice saying positive affirmations daily to yourself

    31. Take your own packed lunch to work or school
    32. Learn to enjoy your own company
    33. Quit smoking and/or reduce your alcohol consumption
    34. Limit how much time you spend on social media
    35. Put your phone on Airplane Mode overnight so you don’t check your notifications first thing in the morning
    36. Keep up with your health check-ups, dentist appointments etc
    37. Stretch after every workout
    38. Learn a new language
    39. Clean up little and often to keep your home tidy
    40. Use a journal or planner to organise your life

    41. Walk, run, cycle or take public transport instead of driving when possible
    42. Wear sunscreen
    43. Take a probiotic and vitamins daily
    44. Laugh and smile often – make others laugh and smile too
    45. Learn to replace negative thoughts about yourself with positive ones
    46. Walk 10,000 steps a day
    47. Regularly phone a friend or relative for long conversations
    48. Create a skincare routine
    49. Feel comfortable saying ‘no’ to things that you don’t want to do
    50. Visualise your dream life and set goals to achieve it

    51. Build up your savings and take control of your finances
    52. Keep a gratitude log and write in it daily
    53. Cook your meals from scratch as often as you can
    54. Have a digital detox regularly
    55. To quote Marie Kondo, only keep the things that ‘Spark Joy’ for you
    56. Listen to personal development podcasts
    57. Write down the things you love about yourself and refer back to it when you feel down
    58. Keep a work/life balance
    59. Try a new recipe every week to switch up your go-to meals
    60. Set daily intentions

    I’d love to know which healthy habits you would like to try and if there are any more that are not on this list. Share with us in the comments below.

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    Healthy Habits for a Better Life

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